Books I DNF’d: 2018
We are officially halfway through the year, and looking back on my reading of these past six months I've realized there are quite a few books I've given up on! Today I'm going to share with you what those books were and why I gave up on them, but of course I mean no offence if these are some of your favourites.

• Wonderland by Stacey Derasmo
- Read 46 pages
- The writing style did not mesh well with me, it felt too forced and too heavy.
- The plot wasn’t something I usually read, and although I’d like to branch out more this wasn’t the one for me. It was boring and I couldn’t see where the plot would go.

- Read 40 pages / 5 cases
- I find true crime novels to be fascinating, but I just didn’t care for the authors commentary that came with the background on the cases. I was interested more in what these people did to land them on death row, and not the authors personal opinions on them.
- I am going to hold onto my copy as I do think this is something I will pick up again sometime.
• Find You in the Dark by Nathan Ripley
- Read 35% of the ebook, equating 130 pages
- I received an e-arc of this to review from NetGalley, and I was really hoping to love it. I couldn’t get into the writing style, or the plot.
- It was really just too many things going on at once. There weren’t smooth transitions or a consistent sequence to the perspectives. I was easily confused on where the focus was supposed to be, and wasn’t able to connect to any part of the stories or characters.

• My Not So Perfect Life by Sophie Kinsella
- Read 60 pages while also listening to the audiobook.
- I found this story to be insanely boring and flat. I didn’t care about the characters and got confused on who most of them were. Not my type.

• Room by Emma Donoghue
- Listened to 55 pages of the audiobook, and couldn’t handle the child narrator
- I’m very interested in the story, so I’ll likely still watch the movie since I’ve heard good things
- I really wanted to love this story, but I do also have an ebook copy on my iPad if I ever change my mind

- I was so excited to read this after loving The Long Walk, and was so disappointed in how bland this one was. I got about 140 pages into it, trying to both read it physically and listen to the audiobook, but I was never interested.
- It was not suspenseful or thrilling because we read both the detective's perspective, and the killer's (whose identity was revealed very early), and this made it very hard to get through because I was bored almost the entire time.
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