Hello all! So it is that time of the month where everyone talks about what they've read, and unfortunately I had a terrible reading month. I moved back into University at the beginning of September and was doing welcome week ("frosh week") with my dorm so I was crazy busy. Later in the month I finished a book and have since started another, so this will be more of a review if anything.
Asylum by Madeline Roux - 4/5 stars
One of my friends in university recommended this one to me and I am glad I finally picked it up. It was a very creepy story with fitting pictures throughout, but I think I would have enjoyed it more if I read it quicker. It took me over a week to read this, but if I'd had the time to get engrossed and read it in a couple of days, I think I would have given it a higher rating.
What We Saw by Aaron Hartzler
I picked this one up this afternoon and I am very excited about it. If you watch my videos I am sure you are tired of me talking about it, but it is a realistic fiction novel about a teenager who is accusing men of sexually assaulting her at a party.
I'm hoping to finish this before I go home for thanksgiving weekend, but I will be having a crazy week with homework so we'll see what happens.
Hopefully you guys had a better month than I did! Good luck with life in October and I'll talk to you all again soon!
Today is officially the first day of fall! It is still fairly humid where I am, but I am very excited for fall colours, cozy sweaters, and reading under a comfy blanket. Fall also brings midterms and holidays, so my reading schedule will be all over the place - but there are 5(ish) books that I want to make sure I read this season!
1. Twisted Perfection and Simple Perfection by Abbi Glines
This is where I cheat on the "top 5" part because these two I count together. I have been loving the Rosemary Beach series lately, and know that these will be quick reads. I am looking forward to reading these two on one of my days off!
2. What We Saw by Aaron Hartzler
This is a book that I mentioned in my last video, and am very excited about. I am waiting for my copy of this book to arrive in the mail, because I will be picking it up immediately. This plot caught my attention because victim blaming and slut shaming are huge issues right now - so I can't wait to see what this author does with the subject.

3. Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall by Katie Alender
The cover though. This seems like it is going to be a very creepy story, and seems like the perfect October read! I cannot wait to start reading this one.
4. Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell
Now that I am back in university, I feel this is the perfect time for me to read this book. I didn't bring it to school with me, but I plan on picking it up while home for thanksgiving in a couple of weeks!
5. Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling
I love Mindy and cannot wait to read her newest book. The Mindy Project got me through exams last semester, because she is just so funny. I know that this is going to be a fun and easy read, so I will be reading this during my mid-term exams!
In anticipation of The Tattooed Heart being released this month, I thought I would finally post my review for the first novel in this series!
The Messenger of Fear
Written By: Michael Grant
# of pages:
My Rating: 5/5
Published: September 2014
Read in August 2014
Summary according to Goodreads
I remembered my name – Mara. But, standing in that ghostly place, faced with the solemn young man in the black coat with silver skulls for buttons, I could recall nothing else about myself.
And then the games began.
The Messenger sees the darkness in young hearts, and the damage it inflicts upon the world. If they go unpunished, he offers the wicked a game. Win, and they can go free. Lose, and they will live out their greatest fear.
But what does any of this have to do with Mara? She is about to find out.
My Thoughts
I received an ARC copy of this novel at BEA in New York last year, and that does not have any influence on my opinion on my thoughts.
"If you are wicked the Messenger will find you." That was the tag line written on the cover of the book, and that was what had grabbed my attention and made me want to pick it up.
This book is told in first-person, and centers around Mara who was a very interesting character. She wakes up in a field with no memory of where she is, and even other things about her life before. This made it a lot more interesting to read because as I was reading I would share some of the same thoughts and feelings as she did, and the reader also learns about this world just as Mara does.
Right from the beginning this story sucked me in and I was captivated by both the plot and the writing style. Michael Grant has such a powerful writing voice, and can bring strong personalities to anything. There was a part in the beginning describing a wind going through the area, and the voice he was able to bring to it could make you shiver - you felt as though you were there and it was real.
I was very hesitant going into this novel because I was not the biggest fan of Gone, but after reading this I am willing to give that series another chance. I will likely pick this novel up for a reread before continuing on because I enjoyed it so much that I just want to dive back in.
I would recommend this to any reader looking for something different, a little creepy, and something that will make you think. I was so empathetic towards Mara, and different situations in this novel really make the reader think about what they would do and how they would feel. Overall, I can only say; wow. This was such a different kind of book, and something I was not expecting, but I am so glad that I picked it up. Can't wait for the sequel!