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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Books I DNF'd This Month (June)

Hey guys, so I thought I had had a pretty good reading month in June, but looking back I gave up on reading three books. THREE! And they were ones I had been really looking forward to, so I thought I would discuss that today.

First off I just wanted to tell everyone reading this that it is okay to not finish a book! My TBR is over 300, and if I wasted my time finishing books that I couldn't get into, I would never read everything I want to. After starting university and working, the time that I had to sit down and read for pleasure was precious, and I didn't want to waste that! My general rule of thumb is to give a book at least 50 pages before DNF'ing it, and if I see potential I'll push that to 75 or 100 to see if it catches my interest. 

So now let's talk about the books I couldn't read this month...

We Were Liars by E. Lochart

[Click for Goodreads page]

I went into this book with expectations through the roof. I thought I was going to be sucked in and then blown away with this big twist at the end. I was not. I read about 70 pages of this book, and those alone were a struggle. This book is only slightly above 200 pages, and I couldn't push through. I didn't feel anything towards any of the characters, and I honestly couldn't remember the ties to most of them (i.e who was a cousin, who was an aunt, etc.) Everyone keeps telling me that it is worth it once you get to the end, but I found out what the twist is and I'm not sure I could judge it worth finishing for that. However maybe the execution of it was fantastic and I'm missing out - that would be my loss. 

They All Fall Down by Roxanne St. Claire

[Click for Goodreads page]

First of all - cover love and appreciation please. That is the main thing that attracted me to this book, and then I read this line of the synopsis; "This is the power of the list. If you're on it, you're life changes. If you're on it this year? You're life ends." I KNOW. Sounds amazing right? The 50 pages I read did not lead anything to this. It was filled with teen angst and hot guys, a mysterious boy and a best friend who wants to soak up the attention she isn't getting. Maybe I'm getting too old for this kind of story (20 in September!), but I was very disappointed. I'd had this on hold from the library and started reading it the second it was available, but couldn't push through the juvenile issues unfortunately. 

To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

[Click for Goodreads page]

Please don't kill me/unfollow my blog for this one but I had to! Lara Jean was such an annoying character for me, that no matter how much I wanted to love it, I couldn't. I think I got about 80 pages into this one before I had to stop for (mostly) the same reasons as They All Fall Down. Why would you want to be with your sister's ex-boyfriend that you've known for years? A lot of things she said/did/acted bothered me and although I've heard amazing things, I have to disagree!

Maybe one day I'll try some of these novels again since I have heard such good things, but as of right now my TBR is too long! Other priorities are taking over but we'll see what the future holds! 

What are some books you have DNF'd or what are your thoughts on the ones I gave up on this past month? Have a good one! ~ Kristina


  1. I am always afraid to DNF a book, because every book has potential whether it be shown on the first page, thirty-fifth page, or the last page of the book. However, I'm slowly realizing that when I force myself to read a book I'm not enjoying then I fall into a reading slump, so I'm trying to do better with DNF-ing books.

    I read We Are Liars I think last summer or during the fall. I'm pretty sure I gave it a high rating, but to be honest I don't remember anything about it.

    One of my good friends is obsessed with All the Boys I've Loved Before. In fact, she gave me my own copy, but I'm waiting out all the hype. It could be a while though now that the sequel has come out or is coming out.

    The cover of They All Fall Down is amazing and so is the synopsis. I've had my eye on it for a while, but never made an effort to go get a copy from my library or bookstore.

    Great review!

    Meredith @ A Book Lover's Corner

    1. Thank you so much! And I needed to stop forcing my way through books because I wouldn't enjoy them as much as I could have! And I'm afraid hype is starting to play a role on my expectations for novels...
