Still nothing.
I am still currently reading the same two books, the first being I've Got Your Number by Sophie Kinsella. I am about 50% through but am not enjoying it as much as I had originally hoped I would. It might seem early in the year, but I am considering DNF'ing this and just moving on.
Luckily, I am still really enjoying Demonglass by Rachel Hawkins and I am currently on page 207 out of 359. It isn't as engaging as the first one was, in my opinion, but I tend to have problems with the second book in trilogy's. I really want to just curl up in my bed and read the rest of it straight through, but I doubt my schedule will allow me to do that.

So my main goal for this week is again, don't buy a book! I've been doing pretty good with it and I have a ton of books at school with me that I can read, so hopefully it won't be too hard. I also really want to finally finish Demonglass, and then start Reborn by Jennifer Rush since it is my most anticipated book of this year. I do have a psychology exam on Friday so we'll see how much free time I get.
I hope you guys have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!
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