This was such a heart wrenching story that made me sick to my stomach and brought me to tears. It blows my mind that people can treat their children the way that Jodie was treated. Overall I gave this book a full five stars and plan on reading all of Cathy's books.
I had to give up on the Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot, the language was just too juvenile for my taste. It took me almost a whole day to get fifty pages in, and that was with sheer determination. If I had continued reading I knew I wouldn't enjoy it as much as I had when I was younger, and I prefer the movie overall.
I am currently reading The Wind Through the Willows by Kenneth Grahame on my kindle, and am almost finished at 70%. I picked this up, with a bunch of other classics, in an effort to complete the "50 Books to Read Before You Die" list (hopefully this year). As of right now I have only read 8 of those books, and am very disappointed in that number. This is a very odd novel for a children's story, but also has a lot of symbolism, so I am interested to see how it concludes. When I have finished I am going to purchase myself a physical copy in the pretty Puffin Classics edition! Hopefully you'll see that in my book haul at the end of the month.
As I mentioned, I went to Chapters with my roommate, and while I was there picked up three books. I don't feel guilty about my purchases as they were books I was really wanting, and I have already read one of them - and plan on picking up one next. I picked up Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by the hilarious Mindy Kaling, as recently I became obsessed with The Mindy Project, and had to pick up her book. I also picked up Damaged by Cathy Glass, which I talked about, and School Spirits by Rachel Hawkins which is a spinoff to the Hex Hall series. I loved that trilogy and can't wait to dive into this book!
I don't have any particular goals for this week, especially since my focus is on my studying and packing up my dorm room. Hopefully I don't buy a book, but if I do cave it will be for The Wind in the Willows. My goal for the year - maybe longer - is to only purchase books I have read and enjoyed, and will most likely read again.
I hope you guys had a great week and I will talk to you soon! Hopefully next week I will start posting videos again since I'll be home to my desktop!
P.S., I am also still 3 books ahead on my goodreads goal which makes me very happy!