I finally got around to reading another Colleen Hoover book, and I picked Never, Never since it was short and on my kindle! I read this alongside my mom, and am glad I did because it was fun to discuss different things as they were happening with her. I adored this novel so much, and Colleen is now one of my favourite authors. The characters felt so real, and it was so well written that I hated having to put it down. I am guilty of reading parts during lulls in my psychology class. This book was so engrossing and that ending?! May 12th needs to be today so I can read the sequel! Five stars without a doubt, from both me and my mom.

I am currently 20% into These Broken Stars, and am really enjoying it so far. It is different than I expected, and I have no idea what is going to happen next in the story. This book has come highly recommended to me, so I have high expectations. So far so good! I hope to finish this within the week or during the weekend!
I also just decided to pick up Playlist for the Dead, because it is one that I have been wanting to read for a while, and am in the mood for a contemporary. I haven't heard a lot of reviews, or really anyone just talking about this book, but I have high hopes!
I will briefly mention that I am reading Spying Blind by Amy Zegart for one of my university classes. It is about the CIA, the FBI, and 9/11. Interesting so far, but I very dense (educational) read.
Nothing this week, and hopefully nothing for a few weeks! I am still focusing on shrinking my TBR!